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Self-Defence Training

Basic Techniques

( Ki Cho Bup )

Upper Body Self-Defence

5 techniques

Hand Techniques

Soo Gi )

Level 1: Stances

NOTE: These are the same Self-Defence

techniques that you learned as a No Belt;

the only difference is that you're stepping out

into a Front Stance

Video      PDF

Techniques & Brief Description

1. Low Block: Twist hip & arm around neck, untwist

and block down as you step into a Front Stance.

2. High Block: Twist hip & arm around waist,

untwist and block up and over your head; 

as you step into a Front Stance

3. Inside Block: Twist hip & arm around waist,

untwist and block in front of your face;

as you step into a Front Stance

4. Outside Block: Pull hip back & fist on hip (palm

down), release hip and catapult fist around

to block in front of your face;

as you step into a Front Stance

5. Middle Punch: Pull hip back & fist on hip (palm

up), release hip and catapult fist to punch to

the middle; as you step into a Front Stance

Video      PDF


Level 2:

Contraction & Expansion

NOTE: These are the same Self-Defence

techniques that you learned in Level 1,

above, the only difference is that you will add

contraction so that you will use BOTH arms

with your techniques

Video      PDF

Techniques & Brief Description

1. Low Block: Twist hip & arm around neck while

you contract to bring your back arm around

your waist; untwist and block down as you

step into a Front Stance, you

2. High Block: Twist hip & arm around waist,

untwist and block up and over your head; 

as you step into a Front Stance

3. Inside Block: Twist hip & arm around waist,

untwist and block in front of your face;

as you step into a Front Stance

4. Outside Block: Pull hip back & fist on hip

(palm down), release hip and catapult fist 


to block in front of your face;

as you step into a Front Stance

5. Middle Punch: Pull hip back & fist on hip (palm

up), release hip and catapult fist to punch to

the middle; as you step into a Front Stance

Lower Body Self-Defence

5 techniques

Foot Techniques

Jok Gi )

Techniques & Brief Description

1. Roundhouse Kick: Twist hip back & bend knee,

untwist hip & kick around to return foot to the side;

2. Hook Kick: Twist hip forward & keep leg straight,

untwist hip & let your leg swing around to the side,

let the momentum continue to bend your knee to

hook your foot to the rear, while the hip stays

to the side;

3. Side Kick: Pull hip in & bend knee to cross in front

of your standing leg; push your hip out & kick

directly to the side;

4. Inside Kick: Twist hip to the back & keep leg

straight, untwist hip and let you straight leg swing

up & around to the front and then down;

5. Front Kick: Standing foot at 45 degrees between

facing front and side; Pull your hip back and bend

your knee, then push your hip forward and kick 

to the front.

Video      PDF


Discipline Practice

One-Step Sparring

( IL Soo Sik Dae Ryun )

Technique Sequence

#1: Prepare - Left hand touches right leg, pick up

right leg; 

1. Left Open Hand Block: Right foot steps forward

and to the right and Open Hand Block with the

left hand;

2. Middle Punch: with the right hand;

3. High Punch: with the left hand;

4. Roundhouse Kick: turn the right foot out and to

the side, pick up the left foot and twist the left hip

back and bend the knee, untwist and kick around 

to return foot to side; then set down in back

#2: Same as number one only using the other side

(switch the right and left hands and feet):

Prepare - Right hand touches left leg, pick up

left leg; 

1. Right Open Hand Block: Left foot steps forward

and to the left and Open Hand Block with the

right hand;

2. Middle Punch: with the left hand;

3. High Punch: with the right hand;

4. Roundhouse Kick: turn the left foot out and to

the side, pick up the right foot and twist the left hip

back and bend the knee, untwist and kick around 

to return foot to side; then set down in back

Video     PDF


Confidence Building

Escape from grabs

Ho Sin Sool )

Cross Wrist Grip Escapes

#1 - 4

only #1 & #2 are required

for your test

Technique Sequence

#1: Prepare one hand - Lower body and contract as

you raise the palm of your right hand forward and

twist your right hip back;

1. Push your right elbow forward: as your right foot

steps forward and to the right so that your elbow

arm ends up over their grabbing arm with your hip

slightly twisted to the left and body

slightly contracted;

2. Chop to the Neck: with your right hand as you

expand your body and untwist your hip to

the right;

3. Upward Palm Strike: to the chin with your left

hand as you twist your back left hip forward;

4. Downward Palm Strike: to the groin with your

right hand as you twist your right hip forward;

then twist you left hip to move your left hand

forward in a pushing motion to cover yourself

#2: Prepare two hands - Prepare your right hand

as in #1, above; but also prepare your left hand

by bringing it across your body so that your left

hand is on top of your right hand ready to chop;

1. Push your right elbow upwards and Chop to the

Neck: as your right foot steps forward and to the

right so that your elbow ends up on the  right

side of your head; at the same time:  
2. Chop to the Neck: with your left hand as you

expand your chest;

3. Palm Strike: to the side of the jaw with your

right hand as you twist your right hip forward;

4. Downward Palm Strike: to the groin with your

left hand as you twist your left hip forward;

then twist you right hip to move your right hand

forward in a pushing motion to cover yourself

#3: Prepare with a grab - Prepare your right hand as

 in #1, above; but also prepare your left hand by

bringing it up to put your fingers into their palm;

1. Escape the grip and grab their hand: as you

expand and push your right hip forward; then 

grab their hand with your right hand in the same

way your left hand has grabbed (fingers in their

palm and your thumbs to the back of their hand);
2. Step forward and get submission: step forward

with your right foot so that you are standing

sideways with your right side towards them, 

turn your grip over so that your thumbs are on 

top to get submission;

3. High Elbow Strike: to their head with your right

arm by twisting your hip to the back and then

untwisting your hip towards them;

4. Spinning Elbow Strike: to their body with your

left arm by twisting your hips to face away from

them and extending your left arm to the rear,

twist your left hip towards them while

contracting your left side

#4: Prepare by picking up the opposite foot - to

the arm being grabbed by picking up your

left foot;

1. Grab their hand and arm: by contracting and 

twisting your right hip to the back as you rotate

your right palm upward to grab their arm, at the

same time you twist your hip and contract;

2. Spin under your arms: step so that your left 

leg crosses in front of your right and you spin

under your arms;

3. Complete your spin and get submission: by

stepping around and to the rear with your

left foot and then turning to face them; lower

and untwist your hands to twist and lower their

hands and get submission;

4. Head Butt Strike: lift up your front foot to tilt 

your hip backwards and expand your body, then

jump onto your front foot to tilt your hip forward

while your contract and strike with your 

forehead to their head.

Video     PDF


Fitness Patterns


Hyung )

1st Basic Form

( Ki Cho Hyung IL Bu )

Level 1: Technique Sequence

Start facing the front middle, getting "ready" is

actually the first move before you start

the pattern of side-side-middle.

From attention position, move into

"Choon Bee", the "Ready Position", by

contracting to cross and 

uncross your arms while stepping

to the side with your left foot.

Side - Left side: Two steps to the left side.

1. First step to the left: Look over the left leg, pick

it up and step to that side;

2.  Second step to the leftTake a second step

with your right foot;

Side - Right side: Two steps to the other side.

1. First step to the other side: Look over the front

leg, pick it up and step to the other side;

2.  Second step to the other side: Take a second

step with your left foot;

Middle - Front middle: Four steps to the middle.

1. First step to the middle: Look over the front leg, 

pick it up and step to the front middle;

2. Second step to the middle: Take a second

step with your right foot;

3. Third step to the middle: Take a third step with

your left foot;

4. Fourth step to the middle: Take a fourth step

with your right foot (Ki Hap-yell);

NOTE: The Ki Hap reverses the normal turn,

which is to look over the front let and pick it up;

instead, after a Ki Hap, you look over the back

leg and pick it up:

Side - Right side: Two steps to the side.

1. First step to the side: Look over the back leg,

pick it up and step to the side that your

back is towards;

2.  Second step to the side: Take a second

step with your right foot;

Side - Left side: Two steps to the other side.

1. First step to the other side: Look over the front

leg, pick it up and step to the other side;

2.  Second step to the other side: Take a second

step with your left foot;

Middle - Rear middle: Four steps to the middle.

1. First step to the middle: Look over the front leg, 

pick it up and step to the rear middle;

2. Second step to the middle: Take a second

step with your right foot;

3. Third step to the middle: Take a third step with

your left foot;

4. Fourth step to the middle: Take a fourth step

with your right foot (Ki Hap-yell);

NOTE: The Ki Hap reverses the normal turn,

whichis to look over the front let and pick it up;

instead, after a Ki Hap, you look over the back

leg and pick it up;

Side - Left side: Two steps to the side.

1. First step to the side: Look over the back leg,

pick it up and step to the side that your

back is towards;

2.  Second step to the side: Take a second

step with your right foot;

Side - other side: Two steps to the other side.

1. First step to the other side: Look over the front

leg, pick it up and step to the other side;

2.  Second step to the other side: Take a second

step with your left foot;

Middle - front middle: Return to the

start position

On the command "Baro", look over your front

leg, pick it up and step out

to the side and cross and uncross your arms

to return to the ready position.

Returning to the beginning is the last

move of the pattern.

Video    PDF

Level 2: Core Dynamics

Video    PDF


Cross Training

Self-Defence; Discipline; Confidence & Fitness 

( Free Sparring - Ja Yu Dae Ryun )

Video     PDF


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White Belt

(10th Gup)

(access to No Belt videos at the end)

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