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Training fees

What are your training fees?

Our fees are competitive with other martial arts classes being offered in Albany.

And nobody offers you greater flexibility in payment and training options.

You can either pay as you go; or pay up front.  You can train fortnightly with no commitment; or you can commit to longer periods of training.  You can arrange for automatic debits to pay for your training, or you can use cash, check, credit card, bank debit card or electronically transfer funds directly into our account.  There are too many options to give all the details here.  We'll make it all easy to understand at your private lesson.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Do you have contracts?

You can train fortnightly with no commitment; or you can commit to longer periods of training.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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What is your class schedule?

Each student creates their own customised training schedule after their initial private lesson.  We offer a variety of days and times; but we don't disclose our class schedule to the general public.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Where are you located?

All of our classes are taught in the huge floor space, high-ceilinged, carpeted and well-lit covered area of the main primary school in Albany: Yakamia primary school.  Please see contact page for map and exact location. Goto Contact page 

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What ages to you teach?

Martial arts training starts at prekindy (4 years old).  Swordfighting starts at year 1 (6-7 years old).  There is no upper age limit for either.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Do adults have to be in shape to join?

Of course not!  Getting in shape is a main reason why adults start taking marital arts.  Adult students have the option of starting their training in an adult beginner class, where they gradually get into shape at a pace that suits them.  We'll explain the details at your private lesson.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page 

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In shape?

Can a person with bad backs, hips, knees, asthma, heart conditions, or other physical problems take classes?

Both the martial art and the swordfighting art that we teach are fully customisable.  This means that anyone with any physical issues can modify their training and techniques to work around any limitations.  After their private lesson, in which the instructor becomes completely informed about any physical limitations a student might have, adult students start out in our special adult beginners class.  In this class the instructor will work with the student to modify training and techniques to accomodate any limitations.  It is the responsibility of any student with physical issues to consult their doctor before beginning training at our academy.  In this case the doctor should also understand that the training can be customised to accomodate limitations, and the that student will start out slowly in a special adult beginner's class.  Our experience has shown us that children and teens with limitations don't need to start in a beginner's class, and can customise their training and techniques in both the private lesson and in the regular classes.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Physical probs

When would I be too old to start training?

As long as you are not confined to bed, and are able to attend our classes, you are not too old to start training.  Adult students start their training in an adult beginner class, where they gradually get into shape at a pace that suits them.  Adults stay in this class until the instructor feels they are ready to move on to more advanced training.  Generally speaking, older students, and elderly students, need to stay longer in the beginning class as their bodies gradually take more time to transition to higher and higher levels of fitness.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Can I transfer my rank from another martial art?

Yes, ranks from martial arts similar to Soo Bahk Do can be transferred over to Soo Bahk Do; but, in general, the student has to demonstrate that they have learned all the material required for the Soo Bahk Do rank that is equal to the rank from their previous martial art.  Ranks from throwing, grappling and weapon based martial arts cannot be transferred over to Soo Bahk Do; but, students with rank and experience in any martial art generally learn Soo Bahk Do more quickly than other students.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Too old
Transfer rank

What are the benefits of training?

The main benefits of training at Master Martial Arts Academy are discipline, confidence, self-defence and fitness; but each student also gets to customise their training to suit their particular needs.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page   Read the next few FAQS for more.  Click here to go to our Benefits page: Goto Benefits page

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Is your training good for discipline?

Discipline is the essence of Soo Bahk Do practice; and self discipline is the essence of Nur Avah.  It structures each class and defines the art.  Plus, we have a special part of both our martial arts and swordfighting programs that teaches children and teens (and adults!) how to take their discipline home and use it in their life!  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

Click here to go to our Benefits page: Goto Benefits page

Goto Karate Page (Soo Bahk Do) 

Goto Swordfighting Page (Nur Avah)

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Benefits of training

Is your training good for building confidence?

Black Belt Leadership is how we build confidence in our students - and getting fit and learning how to handle yourself is our key to building complete confidence in each of our students.  Confidence affects everything you do, and gives you the courage to challenge your limitations over and over again.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

Click here to go to our Benefits page: Goto Benefits page

Goto Karate Page (Soo Bahk Do) 

Goto Swordfighting Page (Nur Avah)

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Is your training good for self-defence?

Combining the self-defence training of Soo Bahk Do with the complete non-violent self defence system in Nur Avah, together with our monthly self-defence seminars, provides each of our students with a total self-defence package.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

Click here to go to our Benefits page: Goto Benefits page

Goto Karate Page (Soo Bahk Do) 

Goto Swordfighting Page (Nur Avah)

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Is your training good for health and fitness?

You need an exercise program that you can stick with.  One that grows with you, to let you achieve higher and higher levels of fitness.  This is Soo Bahk Do.  You start out with a free private lesson that lets you customise your training.  Then you move into our special adult beginners class that lets you get in shape at your own pace.  When your instructor thinks you are ready, you move into a regular class.  As you move from rank to rank your fitness level increases and you gain higher and higher levels of health.  Best of all, you don't get bored because your mind is constantly being engaged as you activate your core to move your body.  Soon, Soo Bahk Do becomes a life style.  Health and fitness box.  Tick.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

Click here to go to our Benefits page: Goto Benefits page

Goto Karate Page (Soo Bahk Do) 

Goto Swordfighting Page (Nur Avah)

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How do you customise your programs?

We customise each students training during the free private lesson that each new student receives.  It's simple: we find out what you want from your training and then design a program for you that makes sure you get it.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page 

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Health & fitness
How customise

When do you take new students into the academy?

New students are welcome anytime.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page 

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How do you join?

We make it easy.  All students start with a free private lesson, a free month of classes, and a free uniform when they enrol in our martial arts program.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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What style of martial arts do you teach?

We teach an elite traditional Korean martial art called Soo Bahk Do ("Sue Bauk Dough"), which is the mother art of Tae Kwon Do and modern Tang Soo Do.  We also teach a swordfighting art called Nur Avah.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

For more on Soo Bahk, please click here: Goto our karate page

For more on Nur Avah, please click here: Goto our swordfighting page

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When new
How to join
What style?

What is Soo Bahk Do?

Soo Bahk Do ("Sue Bauk Dough") is a traditional Korean martial art currently taught by an organisation called the Moo Duk Kwan.  The name of the art is often combined with the organisation to be called Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.  The Moo Duk Kwan was founded in 1945 by Hwang Kee.  The Moo Duk Kwan initially called the martial art it offered Hwa Soo Do.  After a couple of years this was changed to Tang Soo Do. 


The Moo Duk Kwan became famous for the innovations of the Founder (activating the core by twisting the hips and expanding and contracting the body to generate maximum speed and power); and, also, for the Founders uncompromising demand for quality from his students.  He also proved the character building capacity of his system by using it to rehabilitate hardened criminals from the Korean prison system.  By 1960, nearly 75% of all the martial artists in Korea where practicing Tang Soo Do under Hwang Kee's Moo Duk Kwan organisation.


Tang Soo Do was made famous by Chuck Norris using its kicking style to become world champion.  Soon, other martial artists were studying it so that they could defeat other competitors who were still using traditional Japanese, Chinese and Okinawan arts.

As a result of the effort of many Tang Soo Do instructors, and the success of Chuck Norris and others who were winning with Tang Soo Do in the late 1960s, it soon spread around the world.  In the 1980s Hwang Kee enhanced and expanded the content of Tang Soo Do to the extent that, in 1995, he changed the name of the art to Soo Bahk Do.  Soo Bahk Do is known for activating the core in order to demonstrate dynamic and powerful full-body hand and foot techniques, which are complimented by softer, slower and fuller techniques - that have enhanced and expanded the art for students at the Black Belt and Master levels.

In 2004 Soo Bahk Do's Founder, Hwang Kee, passed worldwide leadership of the art to his son Hyun Chul Hwang, who became, and remains, the Grandmaster of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.  See our video:   Goto our karate page (Soo Bahk Do)

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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What is Nur Avah?

Nur Avah is the art of mastering yourself while mastering the art of the sword.  It was founded in America in 2008 as an art combining the traditional Japanese sword art of Goshindo with Sport Chanbara (which evolved from traditional Japanese Kendo).  The name of the art's Founder, along with other details of its founding (which might be used to identify its Founder), are stated as unknown.  This was done by the Founder to avoid the dangers of egotism that might come with such recognition - because egotism is recognised as one of the greatest obstacles to achieving and maintaining self-mastery.

Instead of teaching philosophy like other martial arts, Nur Avah uses a psychological framework which guides the students to first the Black Belt, and then the Master Level of training.  On the path towards mastery the student is expected to increasingly serve others and help them improve their own lives and relationships.  This is done to help the student shift their attentions and concerns away from themselves and onto others - a process which helps the student battle the egotism that can come as one gains greater and greater skill.

Nur Avah uses only patented safe-soft swords and a light weight helmet as gear.  Students wear street clothes, but add a girded hakama when they reach the Black Belt level, and then the kiyogi at the Master Level.  Nur Avah training includes a game that teaches the psychological framework to kids and teens; an empowerment program for teens (12-15 year olds); and a non-violent self-defence system that is taught to teens and adults.

Because spreading the art of Nur Avah is done primarily through word of mouth, it doesn't have a real presence on the internet, and hasn't yet become popular enough to appear on wikipedia.  See our video:  Goto our swordfighting page (Nur Avah)

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Nur Avah?

Who is the Chief Master Instructor?

The Chief Master Instructor is William Johns, who was raised in Alaska and began studying Tang Soo there under Harry Rowe Jr., at Elmendorf Air Force Base in 1973.  He also began informal training under his father, William B. Johns Sr.  in the hand-to-hand combat methods taught to the Black Chutes (a black ops Air Force Military special forces unit) with whom his father had initially volunteered for and trained with.


While he was a uni student at the Florida Institute of Technology, he opened a Tang Soo Do dojang (Korean martial arts school) there which was certified by the United States Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation under the name "Pyong Ahn Institute".  he was at uni, he founded the Pyong Ahn Institute in 1978.  It quickly grew to be the largest athletic organisation on campus, and he was invited to become an adjunct faculty member an write and teach the first ever martial arts course for the university.

During this time he trained under Terry Charleston and then Wilbert Baity.  After Mr. Baity retired, he met Master Arthur Pryor who guided him into the newly formed United States Federation.   Wanting to get closer to the art, he became a student of the current Grandmaster, H. C. Hwang in 1978.  Graduating university in 1980 with a B.S. in Biology, he moved to Homestead, Florida, where he started teaching full-time; expanding during the 80's to a peak of 5 dojang and training more U.S. Federation members than any other principle instructor in the U.S.A. at that time.

Over time, he provided targeted, specialised training the the Homestead Police Department SWAT Team, multiple police departments, the Department of Corrections, and members of the U.S. Customs Service and military personnel stationed at what was then Homestead Air Force Base.

In 1987, he successfully completed Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan's rigorous 7 day residential testing to become a Master (Ko Dan Ja) and a Master Instructor (Sa Bom).  He attended as a guest each year after.   Hurricane Andrew destroyed his 5 dojang and his home, causing a move to New York State in 1992 where teaching resumed while he completed a masters' level program in acupuncture and opened a clinical practice.  He represented the USA at the 50th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan in Korea, with a demonstration of the Sip Sam Seh with Master Frank Schermerhorn (also of New York).  William Johns has coached and competed locally, nationally and internationally.

In New York he also began his service in education, serving first as a Vice-principal of John A. Coleman Catholic High School, and then as a science and math teacher in public high school and middle school for four years.

In 2008 he forwent his test for 7th degree Master to stay in Sweden to provide hospice care to a dying friend.  He took time to address his life direction and associations and immigrated to Australia in January of 1992 when he married Azar Salman, an Australian Baha'i of Persian descent.   William Johns is also a member of the Baha'i Faith, having enrolled in Alaska at the age of 16.

After providing computer tech support for the American company Divinsa (now Wholesale Backup), he decided to introduced the art of Nur Avah into Australia.  He has introduced hundred of people to the art in Albany, Western Australia, where he also served with local security personnel for a time.

Discovering that the Grandmaster of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan was to visit Melbourne, Australia for the 2018 South East Asia Leadership Seminar (SEALS), he grabbed the opportunity and reconnected to both the Grandmaster and the art on many levels.  After receiving permission from the Grandmaster and the Australian Moo Duk Kwan Federation, he began teaching both Soo Bahk Do and Nur Avah by founding Master Martial Arts Academy in 2019.

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Chief Instructor

What is the difference between your academy and other martial arts schools?

We teach Soo Bahk Do: the mother art of Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do

We teach Soo Bahk Do: the "Maserati of the martial arts"

We offer safe karate: our instruction and training is strictly non-contact

Goto our karate page (Soo Bahk Do)

We provide effective discipline: our discipline is not only practiced in the class - specially designed programs make sure children use the discipline they learn in our classes at home.  This makes our discipline training highly effective

You don't have to be in shape to join: adult students start in a special beginners class that lets them get into shape at their own pace.

We offer safe sword training: as well as traditional martial arts instruction.

Goto our swordfighting page (Nur Avah)

Our prices are competitive: our pricing is based on what other schools in Albany are charging.

We don't require contracts: you can train with our without making a commitment.

We offer all the payment options: you can pay with cash, check, credit card, debit card or electronic funds transer into our account.

We don't promote violence: we have large penalties for using the skills with teach in anything other than a strictly self-defence situation.

Our philosophy isn't religious: Soo Bahk Do philosophy focuses on the philosophy of training; Nur Avah uses the psychology of self-mastery instead of philosophy.

Our instructors are exceptionally qualified: Instructor training in Soo Bahk Do is the most rigorous of any martial art anywhere in the world.  Full stop.

Goto our instructors page

Our ranks are recognised worldwide: most students don't learn until after black belt that their rank may not be recongnised in other schools-even of the same style!  Both Soo Bahk Do and Nur Avah ranks are recognised in schools offering these arts; anywhere in the world.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Diff MMAA & others

What is the difference between Soo Bahk Do, Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do and other martial arts?

Soo Bahk Do can be considered the mother art of Tae Kwon Do (click here for more) and Tang Soo Do (click here for more).  Soo Bahk Do's techniques are similar to those of Tae Kwon Do, except they use more core strength and full-body movement in their execution.  This comes from rotation of the hip; and expansion and contraction of the body in hand techniques, with thrusting of the hip added to foot techniques.  Tae Kwon Do largely lacks this kind of holistic coordination.

Soo Bahk Do is similar to Tang Soo do because it encompasses the content and attributes of Tang Soo Do, but Soo Bahk Do has been expanded and enhanced to include a significant amount on new content and philosophy.

Soo Bahk Do, like the other Korean martial arts of Tae Kwon Do and Tang Soo Do, is different from other traditional martial arts because of its sophisticated high kicks and spinning kicks.  Though other, non-traditional martial arts have since incorporated these types of kicks.  Soo Bahk Do is primarily used to develop discipline, confidence, self-defense and health/fitness (though there are also competitions; and Soo Bahk Do practitioners can focus on competition through Tae Kwon Do affiliation).  

Goto our karate page (Soo Bahk Do)

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Diff SBD & TKD

What is the difference between Nur Avah and other types of Swordfighting?

Nur Avah is based on the art of using the Japanese sword, where most types of sword fighting are based on western, or European sword fighting.  Also, most types of sword fighting are practiced as sports (such a modern day fencing); whereas Nur Avah is primarily an art of self-mastery (though there are Nur Avah competitions, and Nur Avah practitioners can compete worldwide via Sport Chanbara).  Nur Avah is much safer and less expensive than most other types of sword fighting, because it doesn't require any armour or special protection other than a light weight helmet to completely protect the face and eyes.  Goto our swordfighting page (Nur Avah)

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Diff NA & Sword

Is martial arts training dangerous?

The martial art that we teach, Soo Bahk Do is a safe, non-contact martial art.  The art of swordfighting that we teach uses only safe, soft swords.   Because of the discipline and self-control required in all of our classes, school sports and outside play are typically much more dangerous than training at our academy.  In over 40 years of teaching, our Chief Master Instructor has never had a student suffer any kind of serious injury.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Does martial arts training encourage violence?

The philosophy of the martial art we teach, Soo Bahk Do, views violence as something only to be used in self-defence; and then only as a last resort.  In our academy any act of violence by a student must be reported to the Chief Master Instructor.  If a student was not acting in self-defence, or used excess force, then serious corrective measures are taken.  These usually involve loss of rank, suspension from training in Soo Bahk Do; or even expulsion from the academy.  In general, martial art training only encourages violence to the extent that the philosophy of the art, and the attitude of the head instructor tolerate it.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Does training at your academy promote or require any religious belief?

No.  We are not like some martial arts schools that incorporate either Zen, Buddhist or Taoist teachings into their training.  Bowing is done as a form of respectful greeting or acknowledgement (like shaking hands in western countries), rather than some form of inappropriate reverence.  Also, unlike some martial arts schools, our academy doesn't contain any shrines or alters (not even hidden away from view somewhere).  The philosophy of Soo Bahk Do focuses on the proper practice of the art and applying the discipline and respect it teaches to one's life.  Nur Avah doesn't have a philosophy, but focuses on the psychology of self-mastery - in a way that neither promotes or requires any particular religious belief; and yet is able to accomodate any belief system.


However, in the same way that we don't promote religious belief, we also don't require that our students practice any particular belief system - or any belief system at all.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Mother TKD

Why do you say that Soo Bahk Do is the mother art of Tae Kwon Do?

Five schools, or Kwans, were founded in 1945 in Korea after World War Two.  The largest of these was the Moo Duk Kwan, founded by a man named Hwang Kee.  The Moo Duk Kwan school taught an art called Tang Soo Do. It is estimated that by 1960, 75% of all martial artists in Korea were practicing Tang Soo Do under the Moo Duk Kwan (see "Moo Duk Kwan" and "Hwang Kee" Wikipedia articles).  When the government ordered that all these Kwans merge into a unified martial art, most of the practitioners naturally came from Tang Soo Do.  This unified art became known as Tae Kwon Do around 1959 or 1960.  By 1995 Hwang Kee had expanded and enhanced the curriculum of Tang Soo Do so much that he decided to rename the art Soo Bahk Do.  Since most of Tae Kwon Do's first practitioners came from Tang Soo Do, which later became Soo Bahk Do, Soo Bahk Do can be considered the mother art of Tae Kwon Do.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Mother TSD

Why do you say that Soo Bahk Do is the mother art of Tang Soo Do?

Soo Bahk Do used to be called Tang Soo Do.  In the 1980's the founder of Tang Soo Do, Hwang Kee, began to significantly expand and enhance the art.  By 1995 the art had evolved to the point where he decided that it should be renamed Soo Bahk Do.  The art of Tang Soo Do that exists today is made of of those practitioners who broke from the Founder and kept using the name Tang Soo Do for the art they are teaching (which often doesn't include the expanded and enhance content of Soo Bahk Do).  Because the Tang Soo Do of today is made up of the remnants of those practitioners who did not become Soo Bahk Do, Soo Bahk Do can be considered the mother art of Tang Soo Do as it exists today.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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How and why did the Founder expand and enhance Tang Soo Do and rename it Soo Bahk Do?

When Tang Soo Do began, it looked like Japanese karate - except that it had high kicks and spinning kicks, and that it used the hip rotation and thrusting, and the expansion and contraction of the body to generate more speed and power.  Everything changed for Tang Soo Do's Founder, Hwang Kee, when he was shown an ancient Korean text on the martial arts called the Mooye Dobo Tongji ("Moo yay Doe boe Tong jee").  It was written in 1790, and showed the way martial arts was practiced in Korea before the Japanese invaded Korea in 1910 and banned all Korean martial arts.  The Koreans were only allowed to practice Japanese martial arts.  Hwang Kee was a martial arts genius, who was able to use his genius to reconstruct the Korean martial art shown in the ancient text.


Along with reconstructing the original martial art of Korea, which was called Su Bak, Hwang Kee was in the process of embodying his lifetime of learning into new technique patterns, called kata, forms or hyung.  These new hyung, along with adding the hyung and techniques reconstructed from the ancient text, greatly expanded Tang Soo Do, which inspired Hwang Kee to rename this expanded and enhanced art Soo Bahk Do.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Expand Enhance

What are the ranks in Soo Bahk Do?

The colour belt ranks of Soo Bahk Do are called "gups", or levels.  There are  ten levels that count down from the beginning to the belt right before the Black Belt.  They are:

Yu Gup Ja (gup member) Ranks

WHITE BELTS: 10th gup = white belt; 9th gup = white belt with one stripe

ORANGE BELTS: 8th gup = orange belt; 7th gup = orange belt with one stripe

GREEN BELTS: 6th gup = green belt; 5th gup = green, 1 stripe; 4th = green, 2 stripes

RED BELTS: 3rd gup = red belt; 2nd gup = red belt, 1 stripe; 1st = red belt, 2 stripes

The Black Belt ranks of Soo Bahk Do are called "dans", or degrees.  There are nine degrees of Black Belt.  Soo Bahk Do Black Belts, or "dan members" actually wear midnight blue instead of black.  4th dans and above are the Master ranks and are considered "senior dan members".  The Master belt has a red stripe running through the middle of it.  The dan ranks are:

Yu Dan Ja (dan member) Ranks

1st Dan = midnight blue belt with no stripe

2nd Dan = midnight blue belt with two white/gold stripes across the left end of the belt

3rd Dan = midnight blue belt with three white/gold stripes across the left end of the belt

Ko Dan Ja (senior dan member) - Masters

4th - 9th Dan = midnight blue belt with red stripe through the centre

There are no stripes running across the Master belt as there are with the Black Belt; everyone generally just "knows" what degree each Master is.

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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SBD Ranks

What are the ranks in Nur Avah?

Nur Avah practitioners begin at the student level of training and are called "Musafare" (students).  Musafare don't wear a uniform and so don't wear colour belts to show rank.  Instead, rank levels of proficiency are shown by coloured bands around the base of the sword.  There are 19 levels that count up from one. Student levels are:

Musafare (student level) Ranks

BLACK BANDS: level 1 = 1 band; level 2 = 2 bands

GRAY BANDS: level 3 = 1 band; level 4 = 2 bands

RED BANDS: level 5 = 1 band; level 6 = 2 bands

ORANGE BANDS: level 7 = 1 band; level 8 = 2 bands

YELLOW BANDS: level 9 = 1 band; level 10 = 2 bands; level 11 = 3 bands

GREEN BANDS: level 12 = 1 band; level 13 = 2 bands; level 14 = 3 bands

BLUE BANDS: level 15 = 1 band; level 16 = 2 bands; level 17 = 3 bands

PURPLE BANDS: level 18 = 1 band; level 19 = 2 bands

From the student level, Nur Avah practitioners move onto the Black Belt level of training and are called "Jodar" (cutters).  Jodar wear the black hakama (a skirt like pair of floor length baggy pants) worn in other traditional Japanese sword arts (and Aikido).  In Nur Avah though, the hakama is "girded" so that in looks more like baggy pants than a skirt. The black ties of the hakama serve as the "black belt".  Rank levels of expertise for the Black Belt level of training are the repeat of the same coloured bands around the base of the sword that students have for rank levels of proficiency - since the Jodar is identified by the girded hakama and not the belt itself.  Cutter levels are:

Jodar (cutter level) Ranks

BLACK BANDS: level 1 = 1 band; level 2 = 2 bands

GRAY BANDS: level 3 = 1 band; level 4 = 2 bands

Etc. as for Musafare, above

From the Black Belt level, Nur Avah practitioners move onto the Master level of training and are called "Zendagi" (alive) - this has no connection to Zen practice, meditation or religion (none of which are part of Nur Avah): the "Zen" in Zendagi is just a coincidence of pronounciation.  Zendagi wear the girded black hakama of the Jodar, but add to it a white top with either shortened or rolled up sleeves. 

Masters of Nur Avah progress through 9 different levels.  Levels 5 and above are considered "High Masters", or "O-Zen".  Again, the "Zen" is in no way a reference Zen practice or philosophy - because Nur Avah does not teach any philosophy; instead, it teaches the psychology of self-mastery.  It is the art and discipline of mastering yourself through mastering the sword.  As in Soo Bahk Do, there is no belt or band to tell one level of Master from another: everyone just "knows" what level each Master is at.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Nur Avah Ranks

How long does it take to become a Black Belt?

In Soo Bahk Do, it takes a minimum of 3-1/2 years to become a Black Belt.  Practitioners of Nur Avah take a minimum of 2-1/2 years to reach the Black Belt level.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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Time 2 BB

What happens after I become a Black Belt?

Becoming a Black Belt is an important milestone that says a lot about you.  It means that you have developed the discipline, confidence, persistence and patience to see things through.  It also means that you have developed the speed, power, balance, flexibility and coordination to have attained this hallmark of martial arts achievement.  You have become a leader that has  broken free of the crowd, and then helped others to do the same.  You have challenged your limitations and won.  A Black Belt gains the instant admiration and respect of everyone around them.  You have forged your mind, body and spirit into a key that can be used to open the next level of training: the road to becoming a Master.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page  

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After BB

What is Black Belt Leadership?

We are a Black Belt Leadership school.  Black Belt leadership is an attitude of excellence no matter what rank you are.  It is a commitment to challenge your limitations and become an example for others to follow.  Black Belt leadership is the best way to insure that you will achieve the legendary status of becoming a Black Belt.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page   

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BB Leadership

Why do you call Soo Bahk Do an elite martial art: the "Masarati of the martial arts"?

Soo Bahk Do is elite because it operates at a very high level of sophistication.  It's movements involve much more than just moving your arms or your legs.  Its movements start with using your mind to activate your core, which then involves whole body coordination.  In this way, movement is created in the arms and legs - it doesn't just "happen".  Because movement is created from your core, or centre, your mind doesn't have to constantly shift from limb to limb, motion by motion.  Instead, you mind is free to focus on the centre of your core, which itself remains still, like the eye of a cyclone, typhoon or hurricane.  This stillness creates calmness in your spirit; while the ability to remain calm in your spirit while your body is moving with speed, power, balance and coordination, gives your spirit confidence.  This "calm confidence" is the goal of training in both Soo Bahk Do and Nur Avah.

Learning how to experience your body moving around a calm and confidence centre forms a model that can then be duplicated in your life.  With this model you can learn how to let life move around you - whether its pleasurable, or stressful or painful - while maintaining a centre for your mind and spirit that is calm and confident.  This is a level of sophistication that few, if any, other martial arts achieve.  This is why we call Soo Bahk Do elite.

There are two other things that make Soo Bahk Do elite among martial arts.  The first is that, under its organisation - the Moo Duk Kwan - it is a single art.  This is the reality behind the saying "There is only one Moo Duk Kwan".  This means that your rank will be instantly recognised in any Soo Bahk Do school, anywhere in the world.  This is actually a very rare thing, although many other martial arts students don't learn how rare it is until after they've spent years becoming a Black Belt. 

The other thing that makes Soo Bahk Do elite is that it has the most rigorous Master level training and testing of any martial art in the world - bar none.  The test to become a Master, and to reach each higher level of master (up to the 8th degree), is a 7 days long, in residence (you live wherever the test is held), with at least 14 hours a day spent "on the floor" training.  And it is done, worldwide, under a single organisation with a single standard.  Like the elite military training of units like the SAS and the Navy SEALs, two things happen.  The Masters form a team that helps each one to pass; and each Master knows that by achieving the rare honour of becoming a Soo Bahk Do Master under the Moo Duk Kwan, each has gone through the same gruelling experience.  This instantly binds Soo Bahk Do Masters together in a bond of respect and camaraderie whenever they meet - anywhere in the world.

We call Soo Bahk Do the "Maserati of the martial arts" because Soo Bahk Do started with an innovation created by the genius of its Founder, Hwang Kee.  This innovation was activating the core, resulting in movement in the hips to create movement of the body, arms and legs.  Another reason Soo Bahk Do can be called the Maserati of the martial arts is because the organisation that Hwang Kee Founded, the Moo Duk Kwan, has a tradition of excellence.  The excellence of its practitioners and instructors is why it grew to be the largest martial art in Korea.  The Moo Duk Kwan maintains this tradition with a worldwide excellence that continues to set it apart from all other arts.  The Maserati brand is also built on a history of innovation and a tradition of excellence.  There are many high-priced sport cars available today, and many of them are great to drive; but most drivers and car reviewers agree: when you drive a Maserati you know you're not driving any other car - the sound of the engine alone makes it feel like a completely unique experience.  We think that the feeling of doing Soo Bahk Do is the same.  These are the reasons we call Soo Bahk Do the "Maserati of the martial arts".   

See our videos:  Goto our karate page (Soo Bahk Do)

To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Why do you call yourself "Master Martial Arts Academy"?

We call ourselves Master Martial Arts Academy because our goal is to help people become masters of themselves and masters of their lives.  We have chosen this as our goal because we believe that this journey will bring the most success and happiness into the lives of our students.  To master yourself we believe that you have to constantly challenge your limitations - in everything you do.  This means that you have to break free of the crowd that is content with a lesser life than they know they could have - which is why part of the journey is to help others to begin their own journey of mastery.  We believe all these things because we are convinced that the purpose of life is to live a meaningful life; a life in which you not only live as your best self; but one in which you help others to do the same.  Striving to achieve this is the real strength of a Black Belt, and it is the highest power of a Master.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page   

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Do you train in weapons?

The sword is considered the "king of weapons".  That's why we teach it in our swordfighting program - using only our patented, safe, soft-swords.   We do not currently offer any other weapons training.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page   

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Can I compete in tournaments?

Tournament competition at Master Martial Arts Academy, in both Soo Bahk Do and Nur Avah, involves a competative demonstration of skill, rather than what is called "point competition".  Students who want to compete in sports tournaments can investigate both Tae Kwon Do's inclusion of Soo Bahk Do into  their sports schemes, and Sports Chanbara swordfighting competitions.  However, specific training for these competitions have to be done outside of our academy.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page   

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Cross train

Can I cross train in other martial arts?

Black Belt leaders in Soo Bahk Do know that earning a Black Belt requires loyalty, discipline, focus and commitment; and they know that becoming a Master requires that you study and practice at the deepest levels of an art.  They also know that Nur Avah's complete non-violent self-defence system, combined with the monthly self-defence seminars, teach them how to effectively defend themselves in every situation imaginable.  For these reasons Black Belt leaders are completely loyal to the traditional martial art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan alone.  To help all of our Soo Bahk Do students follow the example of our Black Belt leaders, we do not permit cross training in other martial arts.  This restriction does not apply to students not enrolled in our Soo Bahk Do program.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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Do I need to book in, or can I just show up to a class?

All students start with a free private lesson, and of course these need to be booked in advance.  Friends of current students are welcome to just show up to a class, but they will only be allowed to watch the training.  Members of the general public are welcome to book a time to come in and watch a class.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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What does it mean that you are a private, members only academy?

It means that students need to complete a free private lesson so that we can determine which of our programs are suitable for them - and if they are suitable to be admitted into our academy.  We do not provide training for those who may abuse the skills that they will be learning.  Students who may be too disruptive to karate classes may be started in our swordfighting program.  We reserve the right to refuse entry to students who we feel may lack the most basic self-control to be able to function in our classes effectively.  Judging is a student is suitable based on these standards, is a main purpose of providing an initial private lesson - until we try with a child, we can't know how she or he will respond.  To start by booking a free private lesson, please click here: Goto Book Online Page

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