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Self-Defence Training
Basic Techniques
( Ki Cho Bup )
Upper Body Self-Defence
5 techniques
4th Gup Hand Techniques
( Soo Gi )
Technique List
1. Low Open Hand Block, Reverse Chop to Neck
with back hand
2. Side Kick, High Block, Middle Punch
with back hand
3. Back Kick, Open Hand Block, Middle
Punch with back hand
4. Outside Open Hand Block in Back Stance,
Plier Hand with back hand
5. Yuk Jin Kong Kyuk: Chop to Neck in Back
Stance, back hand Middle Punch
(same stance); Side Punch (horse stance)
Video PDF
Lower Body Self-Defence
5 techniques
5th Gup Foot Techniques
( Jok Gi )
(same as for 5th gup)
Technique List
1. Spinning Back Kick
2. Spinning Hook Kick
3. Spinning Inside Outside Kick
4. Jumping Inside Outside Kick
5. Angle step, Jumping Side Kick with back foot
Video PDF
Discipline Practice
One-Step Sparring #13 & 14
( IL Soo Sik Dae Ryun )
Technique Sequence
#13: Prepare - Pick up your left leg as your right arm
goes around your waist and your right arm a
round your neck:
1. Front Kick - Do a right hand High Open Hand Block
with your back hand closed, into a Back Stance;
2. Roundhouse Kick & Inside Kick - Right leg short
Roundhouse Kick (without pivot), release the hip but
don't set your foot down; lower your partner's
punch with your right hand, and do an Inside Kick
up and over their shoulder but don't set
your foot down;
3. Left leg Standing Sweep - Set you kicking foot down
by stepping across your left leg as you bring your left
hand to the front of your partners lead shoulder
(thumb down), simultaneously sweep your
partner's left foot forward with your left leg
4. Kneeling punch with your back right hand - Step
to the left with your left leg and then down into a
Kneeling Punch with your back hand; then
help your partner up
Video PDF
Confidence Building
Escape from grabs
( Ho Sin Sool )
2 on 2 Wrist Grips 1 - 4
(all 4 required for test)
Technique Sequence
Raise your right arm as you
bring your left arm to your hip while you
lower your hips
1. ESCAPE: Step to the right with your right
foot to escape both arms;,
2. DOUBLE CHOP: Turn your stance to the left
and do a double chop-to the centre with your
left hand and to the neck with your right hand;
3. RETURN: Return from the double chop by
pulling your hip back into a horse stance
to retract both hands so that your
right arm is at a right angle upward
and your left is held across your centre
step into a front stance with your
right foot as you guide your right arm
around your neck and your left over to your
partner's left side
1. TURN AND TRAP: Turn your hips into a left
Front Stance as your left arm circles up
and counter-clockwise to trap your
partner's wrists;
2. PREP FOR HOP: Lift up your front left foot
in preparation to hop to the left;
3. CHOP TO NECK: Do an inside chop to your
partner's neck with your left hand
#3: Prepare - U GRIP: make a U-grip on your
partner's gripping hand as you pick up
your left foot
Raise your hands and angle step forward and to
your right and under your hands; Turn your hips to
the right to turn both feet
until they are facing to your rear right;
Step backwards and get submission
3. FRONT HAND PUNCH: Do a short High
Punch with your front left hand,
KICK: Retreat your front left foot and do either
a Front Kick or a Short Roundhouse Kick (no pivot) -
depending on the angle of their body to you
#4: Prepare - Description to be completed
Video PDF
Fitness Patterns
( Hyung )
4th Pyong Ahn Form
( Pyong Ahn Hyung Sa Dan )
Note: only Lev 1 & 2 are
required for your test
Description to be completed
Lev 1: Technique Sequence
Video PDF
Lev 2: Core Dynamics
Video PDF
Lev 3a: Rhythm & Kicking
(front view)
Video PDF
Lev 3b: Rhythm & Kicking
(rear view)
Video PDF
Cross Training
Self-Defence; Discipline; Confidence & Fitness
( Free Sparring - Ja Yu Dae Ryun )
Video PDF
Lower Rank Materials
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6th Gup materials Access
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