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5th Gup

Green Belt

(access to videos of previous ranks at the end)

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Self-Defence Training

Basic Techniques

( Ki Cho Bup )

Upper Body Self-Defence

5 techniques

5th Gup Hand Techniques

Soo Gi ) 

Technique List

1. Low Block, Chop to Neck with back hand

2. Front Kick, Middle Punch with back hand

3. Middle Open Hand Block, Spear Hand

Strike with back hand

4. Side Punch, slide back, Side Block

5. Yuk Jin Kong Kyuk: Chop to Neck in Back

Stance, back hand Middle Punch

(same stance)

Video      PDF

Lower Body Self-Defence

5 techniques

5th Gup Foot Techniques

Jok Gi )

(same as for 6th gup)


Technique List

1. Spinning Back Kick

2. Spinning Hook Kick

3. Spinning Inside Outside Kick

4. Jumping Inside Outside Kick

5. Angle step, Jumping Side Kick with back foot

Video      PDF


Discipline Practice

One-Step Sparring #11 & 12

( IL Soo Sik Dae Ryun )

Technique Sequence

#11: Prepare - Start with LEFT leg back: 

1. Front Kick - Front Kick & set down in back, but

just behind the front right foot;

2. Roundhouse Kick - Front leg Roundhouse Kick 

& set down in the front;

3. Spinning Inside/Outside Kick - Back leg Spinning

Inside/Outside Kick to clear partner's punching arm,

finishes in front, then set down in back;

4. Middle Punch with the back hand - Lift up front leg

as you pull rear hep back, then set down front leg 

as you drive a Middle Punch with your back hand

Video     PDF


Confidence Building

Escape from grabs

Ho Sin Sool )

2 on 1 Wrist Grips 1 - 3

(all 3 required for test)

Technique Sequence

#1: Prepare - straighten right arm, lift up right foot

1. Angle step forward with your right foot,

and to the right into horse stance, 

push (weight) grabbed arm down

2. Circle right arm clockwise & grab their arm;

3. Left palm under their elbow & angle

step to right, into horse stance;

4. Rotate into raised Front Stance, & raise

left elbow up; drop into modified front

stance & elbow strike to their back

#2: Prepare - step back with left foot, lower body

and reach through & grab your right hand

1. Push right hip forward & upward to push elbow

forward & upward to escape

2. Front kick to groin

3. Shuffle stance

4. Back hand Middle Punch

#3: Prepare - straighten right arm, lift up right foot

1. Angle step forward with your right foot,

and to the right into horse stance, 

push (weight) grabbed arm down

grab their right hand w/ your left;

2. Right leg steps around to the rear under your

arms, then turn and face them;

3. Get submission by rotating their hand, keeping

their fingers pointing down and their hand

at least as high as their shoulders;

4. Back hand Middle Punch

Video     PDF


Fitness Patterns


Hyung )

3rd Pyong Ahn Form

( Pyong Ahn Hyung Sam Dan )

Note: only Lev 1 & 2 are

required for your test


Technique Sequence

LEFT SIDE:  1) Side Block in Back Stance - Back

Stance to your left and Side Block w/ your

front left arm.

2a) Simultaneous Inside Block/Low Block -

Left arm around neck for Low Block, while

right arm around waist for Side Block as

you twist to the rear, then simultaneously

do an Inside Block with your right arm and

a Low Block with your left arm;

2b) Simultaneous Inside Block/Low Block -

Right arm around neck for Low Block, while

left arm around waist for Side Block as

you twist to the front, then simultaneously

do an Inside Block with your left arm and

a Low Block with your right arm;


RIGHT SIDE: 1) Side Block in Back Stance - Right

foot steps to other side into a Back and Side 

Block w/ your front left arm.

2a) Simultaneous Inside Block/Low Block -

Right arm around neck for Low Block, while

left arm around waist for Side Block as

you twist to the rear, then simultaneously

do an Inside Block with your left arm and

a Low Block with your right arm;

2b) Simultaneous Inside Block/Low Block -

Left arm around neck for Low Block, while

right arm around waist for Side Block as

you twist to the front, then simultaneously

do an Inside Block with your right arm and

a Low Block with your left arm;


FRONT MIDDLE: 1) Two-Fist Inside Block -

Front Stance to the front middle and 

Two-Fist Inside Block with the left arm;

2) Spear Hand Strike to front middle

- step with the right foot into a Front

Stance and Spear Hand Strike with the 

right hand;

3a) Intermediate Position for Hammer Fist -

rear left leg crosses behind the front leg

causing the body to turn to the rear as

the front right hand comes to the back and

the left supporting hand maintains its


3b) Spinning Hammer Fist to front middle -

untwist the legs to move into a left leg

forward Horse Stance while doing a Hammer

Fist with the left hand (Ki Hap);

4) Middle Punch to front middle - Right

foot steps into Front Stance, Middle

Punch with right hand;


REAR MIDDLE: 1) Turn to the rear -  

turn into a back stance facing the rear

middle, crossing your right arm on top

of your extended left arm

2) Prepare for Ki Seh - retreat your front left

leg by sliding it back until your feet are

together, separate your arms and bring

them out to your sides with your palms

facing your back side and yours legs bent;

1) Ki Seh Position - straighten your legs and 

bring your fists onto each side of your hip

2) Prepare for kicking - turn your left foot out

by turning your hip as you bend your knees

and end by shifting your weight onto your 

left foot;

1a) Blocking with the Foot - Outside/Inside

defensive kick to block with your right foot,

while keeping your fists firmly on your hip;

1b) Outside Elbow Block/Stomp: Set your kick

down in front in a horse stance and twist

your right hip forward to block with your

right elbow, while doing a stomping

attack to the floor-while keeping your

fists firmly on your hip;

1c) Hammer Fist Strike - Let your right fist

slide off your hip so that your right elbow

can connect with your right hip, then

untwist your right hip to strike with a 

Hammer Fist; then return your fist to

your hip;

2a) Blocking with the Foot - Outside/Inside

defensive kick to block with your left foot,

while keeping your fists firmly on your hip;

2b) Outside Elbow Block/Stomp: Set your kick

down in front in a horse stance and twist

your left hip forward to block with your

left elbow, while doing a stomping

attack to the floor-while keeping your

fists firmly on your hip;

2c) Hammer Fist Strike - Let your left fist

slide off your hip so that your left elbow

can connect with your left hip, then

untwist your left hip to strike with a 

Hammer Fist; then return your fist to

your hip;

3a) Blocking with the Foot - Twist your right

hip outward to turn your right foot outward,

then do and outside/Inside defensive kick to

block with your left foot, while keeping your

fists firmly on your hip;

3b) Outside Elbow Block/Stomp: Set your kick

down in front in a horse stance and twist

your right hip forward to block with your

right elbow, while doing a stomping

attack to the floor-while keeping your

fists firmly on your hip;

2c) Hammer Fist Strike - Let your right fist

slide off your hip so that your right elbow

can connect with your right hip, then

untwist your right hip to strike with a 

Hammer Fist;

4a) Middle Punch - Step forward with your left

foot into a Front Stance and do a Middle

Punch with your left hand;

4b) Repositioning - slide your rear right foot

up to beside your front foot, and then out

to the right into a Horse Stance.


LEFT SIDE: 1) Simultaneous Strike Prep - 

Look to your front right, then turn your left

hip towards your back until you are facing

the front middle of the pattern, keeping your

left arm extended in the punch and your

right arm chambered;

2) Simultaneous elbow/punch - slam your

left hip backwards and twist your left hip

to the rear to drive your left elbow behind

you into a left Elbow Strike to your rear, 

while you do a High Punch to your rear

and over your Elbow Strike by punching

around your neck;


RIGHT SIDE: 1) Simultaneous Strike Prep - 

Look to your right, then shift your weight

onto your right leg which will shift both

fists to your centre line;

2) Simultaneous elbow/punch - slam your

left hip backwards and twist your left hip

to the rear to drive your left elbow behind

you into a left Elbow Strike to your rear, 

while you do a High Punch to your rear

and over your Elbow Strike by punching

around your neck

Lev 1: Technique Sequence

Video    PDF

Lev 2: Core Dynamics

Video    PDF

Lev 3a: Rhythm & Kicking

(front view)

Video    PDF

Lev 3b: Rhythm & Kicking

(rear view)

Video    PDF


Cross Training

Self-Defence; Discipline; Confidence & Fitness 

( Free Sparring - Ja Yu Dae Ryun )

Video     PDF


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